At a time that when the stars give some people distinctive signs and indicate disturbances, I want to share the following with you.
Last vacation I walked outside at night while it was a clear sky. I saw the starry sky and thought of the story that God showed Abraham the stars and promised that he would receive as many descendants as the stars in heaven. And as I looked at it, I thought that if Abraham was looking now it would seem that he would get a much smaller promise, because of the light pollution you now see far less stars than when Abraham looked, there was much less light pollution back then.
I was determined that it would be possible with us as well. Is that what we see correct? Are our observations correct or are our observations become less clear because our thoughts are influenced by all kinds of other “light sources” around us. We may need to turn off the “light sources” around us and focus on what God tells us literally in the Bible so that we get a clear glimpse of God’s promises just as you can see the stars much better and brighter when you go to a place where no light is around you.