A while ago I took my camera with me during one of my walks and took some pictures of autumn colors.
It was nice to see that all the leaves change color and make room for new life coming in the next spring
During the walk, I saw a bush where all berries were still on while the leaves turned to yellow. A very strange sight because you do not expect to see fruit growing while the leaves turn yellow.
Last week we read Psalm 92 after dinner. In verse 14 and 15 it says: “They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and green: To show that Jehovah is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness”
Immediately I thought of the picture, when everything seems to fall away you still can bear fruit. The Bible says even to be “full of sap and green”. What an encouragement that God tells us, even as we grow older we can show His goodness.